The New England Traditional Music & Dance Community: Stories, Photos, History & Other Articles 

Including the Canadian and Scandinavian Traditions in New England

Online Host: New Hampshire Old-Time Country Dance Web Site
Peter Yarensky, Publisher, Designer  & Nearly Everything Else
This section of the web site contains the following sorts of things:
Stories and articles about our music and dance traditions and about events that have occurred over the years.
Photos of dances and dancing.
These represent the traditions of New England, English and French Canada, the British Isles and the Scandinavian countries, as they are represented in New England. Not all of those will be present from the beginning. The material for this section will be organized by regional background.
Some of these stories were originally published in the Seacoast Country Dance Newsletter; others were explicitly prepared for the web site, or exist here in more extended form.
To keep the main pages from getting out of hand they will include story/article summaries with links; to keep the number of pages reasonable I’ll put a few shorter items on the same page at times. 

This section is organized primarily by the geographical and ethnic origin of the material.
New England. As with As it describes, this was inspired by someone else’s story that I read about in the CDSS News; it got me to think about how I started calling dances—here is the result.
The Bradford Square Dance Reunion Dance, Sat. October 20, 2007. Here’s a story about the Bradford square dance, and a reunion held last fall. It was a great time. But although many of you may be unaware of it, the Bradford dances, sometimes known as the dances at Frank Fortune’s Barn because that’s where they were held for quite some time, were an important part of our dance history. For many years hundreds of people went to the dance every weekend. It makes just about any current dance seem rather tiny!
The Local Community Contra & Square Dance. I wrote an article about the small-to-medium sized local dances around New Hampshire and my feeling that they play an important role in keeping the dance community going that’s often overlooked in favor of the more noticeable large urban dances, festivals, etc.; and describing some of the interesting variety they bring to the dance scene. Part of it was originally published in the March Seacoast Country Dance Newsletter.newsletter.htmlcontras-squares_start-calling.htmlcontras-squares_bradford-reunion.htmlcontras-squares_bradford-reunion.htmlcontras-squares_bradford-reunion.htmlcontras-squares_bradford-reunion.htmlcontras-squares_local.htmlcontras-squares_files/Star%20registration%202010.docshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2shapeimage_2_link_3shapeimage_2_link_4shapeimage_2_link_5shapeimage_2_link_6

Old-Time New England Contra & Square Dancing

Dancing  at Maine Fiddle Camp to what I guess you could say was an amazing combination of the Maine Country Dance Orchestra, the Canterbury Country Dance Orchestra, and other great musicians. (6/07)

I started working on this and got interrupted - hopefully I can finish it in June when I’m done with school - sorry!

Please go to this part of the section which is actually done.

Thank you,
